- 同时供给两条线
- 工业用:焊接或气割、输氧或乙炔气体
- 产业用:生产线的空气、化学气体的输送
- For civil, construction, architecture
- 2Line duplex use
- Manufacturing use
- Industrial use

- 双管一体,在使用中不脱离
- 用于高压,没有破裂的危险
- 耐化学剂,抗老化,即使用很长时间也不会硬化或老化
- 具有**的耐寒性,适用于冬季
- 重量很轻,便于使用或搬运
- No separation easily due to it's two hoses in one united body
- No explosion due to it's for high pressure use
- Good durability against chemistry and climate
- No hardening in spite of long-term use
- Easy use for winter season with good cold proof
- Light and easy to carry